Directed by Batu Akyol, “Jazz in Turkey” was premiered in 2013, with the 20th Istanbul Jazz Festival. The documentary investigates the evolutionary phases, interactions and key figures of jazz music in Turkey, taking the social history of the country as its backdrop. Featuring archival footage from the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV) and striking interviews, the documentary can now be accessed on the YouTube channel of İKSV as a gesture of the foundation to celebrate 30 April, the UNESCO-proposed International Jazz Day.
İKSV is a member of the General Assembly of the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO, since 2018.
>> Click here to play the video on YouTube.
Contributors: Ahmet Yeşiltepe, Ali Perret, Ayşegül Yeşilnil, Baki Duyarlar, Bozkurt İlham Gencer, Çağrı Sertel, Can Kozlu, Craig Dicker, Cüneyt Sermet, Dan Morgenstern, Dost Kip, Dr. JB Dyas, Ediz Hafızoğlu, Emin Fındıkoğlu, Emre Kartari, Feridun Ertaşkan, Görgün Taner, Güngör Mimaroğlu, Hakan Atala, Herbie Hancock, Hülya Tunçağ, İlhan Erşahin, Joe Mardin, Kerem Görsev, Mehmet Ali Sanlıkol, Michael Farquharson, Mike Ringquist, Murat Beşer, Muvaffak Falay, Nail Yavuzoğlu, Nezih Yeşilnil, Okay Temiz, Önder Focan, Orhan Tekelioğlu, Pelin Opcin, Quincy Jones, Sabri Tuluğ Tırpan, Sadettin Davran, Selçuk Sun, Selen Gülün, Şenova Ülker, T.S. Monk, Terence Blanchard, Tuna Ötenel, Wayne Shorter, Zuhal Focan.
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