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Night Out Concerts
> DETAIL INFOModa Sahnesi
20.00 | EVE DÖNÜŞ YOK | Enis Duman synth, electronics | İpek Ektaş gitar, vokal | Batuhan Özmen vokal, gitar
21.30 | BREK | Brek vokal | Bora Yavrucuk gitar | Braderin dj
23.00 | GEVENDE | Ahmet K. Bilgiç elektro gitar, vokal | Serkan Emre Çiftçi trompet | Ömer Öztüyen viola | Gökçe Gürçay davul | Atakan Kotiloğlu bas gitar
Dorock XL
20.30 | MİN TAKA | Min Taka vokal, gitar | Zeynep Oktar klavye | Danae Palaka davul | Aspasia bas gitar
22.15 | THOMAS AZIER | Thomas Azier vocals | Simon Segers drums | OlliPekka Lankinen guitar | Maarten Hogenhuis saxophone | Annelotte Coster keyboard
00.15 | BABY’S BERSERK | Mano Hollestelle electric guitar (sample), synth, drum machine | Lieselot Elzinga vocals, bass guitar | Eva Wijnbergen bass synth, noise synth (& microkorg)
Kadıköy Sahne
22.00 | TELLİ DAVUL | Çisem Soylu vokal | Muaz Ceyhan vokal, yaylı tanbur, çağlama | Maya Muz klavye, synthesizer | Ethem Saran davul | Özer Ateş elektrik bas
23.30 | YANGIN | Theo Kaya vokal | Bora Yavrucuk elektro gitar | Sarp Taha Gürkan bas gitar | Efe Sanlav elektro gitar | Ege Soydan davul
Kadıköy Sineması
21.00 | COŞKU TURHAN QUARTET | Coşku Turhan piyano | Ferit Odman davul | Cenk Erdoğan gitar | Kağan Yıldız kontrbas
23.00 | KORHAN FUTACI | Korhan Futacı alto/tenor sax/kaval/zurna | Esat Ekincioğlu kontrbas | Çağdaş Topal davul / zil | Cemil Can Çolak asma davul / elektronik davul | Barış Ertürk bariton sax / elektronik fx | Levent Özer elektrik gitar | Tolga Bilgin trompet | Senem Demircioğlu vokal
Adding a festive atmosphere to a radiant Kadıköy night
In the traditional Night Out with +1 event of the Istanbul Jazz Festival, we will once again stroll in the warmth of a Kadıköy evening, stretching into the cool of the night step by step in pursuit of good music. A myriad of thoughts and emotions, a wide range of music, and unique performances await us in one night at our stops Dorock XL, Moda Sahnesi, Kadıköy Cinema, and Kadıköy Sahne.
We will witness an electronic punk experiment with Baby’s Berserk and explore hope and solace in the unique pop of Thomas Azier, drawn from European pop, jazz, and classical music genres. We will delve into the embrace of psychedelic folk and jazz-rock with Gevende, and experience a unique blend of psychedelia, rock, jazz, and lyrics fused with Anatolian influences in the music of Korhan Futacı. We will listen to the classical music and Turkish melodies blend of jazz by the Coşku Turhan Quartet, which brings American and Turkish music together across continents; will accompany the profound lyrics of Eve Dönüş Yok, who creates his own music with synth-pop and indie rock. We will draw strength from the rebellious tones rising from the guitar strings of Yangın; question our identities and sense of belonging with Min Taka, who has left a mark on stages in Turkey and Europe. Finally, we will join Brek in his “misty and atmospheric” music, and Telli Davul with its interpretation of Anatolian traditional music with psychedelic motifs
On Night Out with +1, we will close the 31st year of the festival navigating through parallel musical universes.
Doors open: 19.00
There is an age limit of 18 years-old at this event.
Cloakroom service is not available. Please refrain from bringing a bag larger than a handbag. Suitcases and large backpacks will not be permitted in the venue.
Events are standing-room only in some of the venues, and seated in others. In seated events, seats are unnumbered.
There is no parking available.
We recommend you wear comfortable shoes.
For the venues that are not suitable for disabled access please send an email to bilet@iksv.org with your name, surname, and the concert(s) you will be attending for us to assist disabled audience members to access the concert venue.
Thomas Azier
“White Horses”
@Babylon 2017